Rege taking over Fairfax!

Ron Rege Jr. is one of the most interesting cartoonists who has ever lived, and also one of the most interesting people I have ever met. He has created this distinct visual language in his comics and his art. It's over the top in emotion and action, sometimes ridiculously so. Every one of his characters is always making a crazy grimace of some kind or going through some crazy experience from putting jumoer cables on their tits to seeing god to making art out of garbage. but he balances this emotional intensity with a real understanding of the fine details and is pretty great at breaking down a moment to its poetic essence. As a person he is inspiring in his clear eyed energy and integrity. rege doesn't do things to 'get ahead', or for his career, or big bucks, or art world pestige. he does things that interest him. Super mainstream things like designing toys for medicine companies to odd jobs like drawing patterns for italian board shorts to doing a mini comic project with someone he has never met just because. There wasn't anybody else we even considered to have painted on front of the shop. Here is his painting, custom to FAMILY, with the line art done, with only about a third 'colored' in. Even incomplete it sure warms the heart doesn't it?
and check out his new book from Drawn and Quaterly Books, THE AWAKE FIELD, it's another mind breaker.

posted by sammy at 7:10 AM
Ron Rege Jr. is one of the most interesting cartoonists who has ever lived, and also one of the most interesting people I have ever met. He has created this distinct visual language in his comics and his art. It's over the top in emotion and action, sometimes ridiculously so. Every one of his characters is always making a crazy grimace of some kind or going through some crazy experience from putting jumoer cables on their tits to seeing god to making art out of garbage. but he balances this emotional intensity with a real understanding of the fine details and is pretty great at breaking down a moment to its poetic essence. As a person he is inspiring in his clear eyed energy and integrity. rege doesn't do things to 'get ahead', or for his career, or big bucks, or art world pestige. he does things that interest him. Super mainstream things like designing toys for medicine companies to odd jobs like drawing patterns for italian board shorts to doing a mini comic project with someone he has never met just because. There wasn't anybody else we even considered to have painted on front of the shop. Here is his painting, custom to FAMILY, with the line art done, with only about a third 'colored' in. Even incomplete it sure warms the heart doesn't it?
and check out his new book from Drawn and Quaterly Books, THE AWAKE FIELD, it's another mind breaker.

posted by sammy at 7:10 AM
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