lazy sunday

All around ruling artist James Jarvis has started a drawings blog, above is one of my faves from it so far (bonus points if you get the reference). check it out at
posted by NATE at 12:25 PM
All around ruling artist James Jarvis has started a drawings blog, above is one of my faves from it so far (bonus points if you get the reference). check it out at
posted by NATE at 12:25 PM
thanks for this! we saw james do an ultra inspiring talk on his work, at pictoplasma conference in berlin recently.
Awesome! Love his drawings.
(And that is of course a riff on a classic issue of HATE)
Looks more like a riff on Raymond Pettibon's cover for the 'Nervous Breakdown' 7", and then later a 'Life In Hell' strip.
I think I get it — the character "painted himself into a corner" with the kind of art that your shop sells!
no it was a reference to the 'six pack' ep by black flag, cali was right / closest.
no, theresa is right.
¿ so it's a "tie" between me and "cali"?
No, you're both wrong, I'm fairly sure it's a reference to an episode of ALF where the family takes a weekend getaway trip leaving ALF at home alone with the cat and the task of painting the floors which he damaged in a previous episode.
jeff is now actually most right
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