A heads up to the local film perverts
The March/April program is now up at the Cinefamily site, and what a program it is: Russian Musicals, Dennis hopper's The Last Movie, Ozu comedies, blaxploitation vampire arthouse classic Ganga and Hess, Jim Hensen's experimental shorts and commercials, Nicky Katt Presents Payday, Wholphin #6 premier, Les Blank's food films, Phil Marlow Noir Fest, a sneak preview of Harmony Korine's latest, a Bronson fest and much much more. The physical program should start hitting the streets in the next couple days-look out for the Darktown Strutters cover by Coop!
posted by sammy at 4:21 PM

posted by sammy at 4:21 PM
Planning on attending the Jim Hensen program. I love Family.
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