More comps arrive.

Penguin sent one single copy (cheap fuckers) of the new edition of Kafka's Metamorphosis I did covers for, part of their Classics Deluxe series. I think other new ones are Julie Doucet doing Little Women and....I'm forgetting.
The Kafka book comes out at the end of February.
posted by sammy at 5:53 PM

Penguin sent one single copy (cheap fuckers) of the new edition of Kafka's Metamorphosis I did covers for, part of their Classics Deluxe series. I think other new ones are Julie Doucet doing Little Women and....I'm forgetting.
The Kafka book comes out at the end of February.
posted by sammy at 5:53 PM
Beautiful. The only book in this series I felt compelled to buy was Charles Burns' The Jungle, but I can't wait to get this one as well. I've already got some Kafka, but damn that's a nice cover.
Really cheap penguins!!!!
They should have send you much more.
Looks very nice, though i cannot see it bigger.
It´s that computer color?
saludos sammy
I guess I have to get yet another collection of these Kafka stories. If it's not a new translation, I will just rip the covers off at B*rders.
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