Comedy by the Numbers Instore

On Saturday night, a couple of my favorite comedians are giving a reading for the new McSweeney's book, the awesome awesome Comedy by the Numbers. Have you seen Mr. Show? The Upright Citzen's Brigade? This is going to be so awesome that the words 'Book Reading' don't even apply. see you at 9pm on saturday. or dont. This one is bigger than all of us.

"A fake comedy manual that's actually funny," says The Onion.
posted by sammy at 11:39 PM

On Saturday night, a couple of my favorite comedians are giving a reading for the new McSweeney's book, the awesome awesome Comedy by the Numbers. Have you seen Mr. Show? The Upright Citzen's Brigade? This is going to be so awesome that the words 'Book Reading' don't even apply. see you at 9pm on saturday. or dont. This one is bigger than all of us.

"A fake comedy manual that's actually funny," says The Onion.
posted by sammy at 11:39 PM
this looks totally amazing!
can't wait.
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