Will Oldham profile in the New Yorker

Sorry for the lack of posts of late. It's the holidays. Here's a profile on Will Oldham in the current New Yorker. And if you haven't seen Wendy and Lucy, the new movie by Kelly Reichardt, you should cos it's really intense, and has a great few minutes where Will plays an aging crusty, feral rambling dude hanging around a campfire with crazy teeth (the picture above). Here's the article.
Here's the intro:
I’m trying to run a tight ship,” Will Oldham said when he came to the door. By which he meant “Don’t be late again.” It was a Friday afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky, and Oldham was in his working house, a cozy place that would be perfect for a small family, were it not for all the musical instruments and studio equipment. It’s tucked behind some trees on a dense residential street in the Highlands, an area known for its charming shops and rising property values. (He also has a sleeping house nearby, which is just about empty.) Oldham tends to hide his thoughts behind a faint, ambiguous smile, and hides his smile behind an unpruned beard, which can make him seem like a man out of time. This impression is underscored by his excellent posture—though that may merely be evidence of a childhood spent in the theatre, learning to be conscious of his body and how it moves. The front hall was full of CDs, books, and boxes of T-shirts, and Oldham was holding a small stack of light-blue envelopes, the same shade as the cover of his most recent album. On the front of one, he had written, “Mom . . . plus siblings.” There were concert tickets inside, and they had to be delivered soon, because the concert was twenty-four hours away. It was time to go.
posted by kramer at 4:46 PM

Sorry for the lack of posts of late. It's the holidays. Here's a profile on Will Oldham in the current New Yorker. And if you haven't seen Wendy and Lucy, the new movie by Kelly Reichardt, you should cos it's really intense, and has a great few minutes where Will plays an aging crusty, feral rambling dude hanging around a campfire with crazy teeth (the picture above). Here's the article.
Here's the intro:
I’m trying to run a tight ship,” Will Oldham said when he came to the door. By which he meant “Don’t be late again.” It was a Friday afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky, and Oldham was in his working house, a cozy place that would be perfect for a small family, were it not for all the musical instruments and studio equipment. It’s tucked behind some trees on a dense residential street in the Highlands, an area known for its charming shops and rising property values. (He also has a sleeping house nearby, which is just about empty.) Oldham tends to hide his thoughts behind a faint, ambiguous smile, and hides his smile behind an unpruned beard, which can make him seem like a man out of time. This impression is underscored by his excellent posture—though that may merely be evidence of a childhood spent in the theatre, learning to be conscious of his body and how it moves. The front hall was full of CDs, books, and boxes of T-shirts, and Oldham was holding a small stack of light-blue envelopes, the same shade as the cover of his most recent album. On the front of one, he had written, “Mom . . . plus siblings.” There were concert tickets inside, and they had to be delivered soon, because the concert was twenty-four hours away. It was time to go.
posted by kramer at 4:46 PM
Free Stop Smiling Magazines

Throughout the Kevin Christy show (open till Jan 15) we have loads of back issues of Stop Smiling to giveaway. It's a fantastic magazine and has a timelessness that makes back issues relevant. Plus you can read the accompanying articles to his portraits. Gallery's open Wed - Sun (12-5).
posted by kramer at 3:54 PM

Throughout the Kevin Christy show (open till Jan 15) we have loads of back issues of Stop Smiling to giveaway. It's a fantastic magazine and has a timelessness that makes back issues relevant. Plus you can read the accompanying articles to his portraits. Gallery's open Wed - Sun (12-5).
posted by kramer at 3:54 PM
New Stuff!
If anybody wants to order anything email - familylosangeles@hotmail.com
Happy Holidays!
Paperback Magazine Issue # 2 - All the craze in London, includes cover artwork by YUICHI YOKOYAMA, plus LUCKY DRAGONS, SUSAN CIANCIOLO, DAN NADEL, CARLO MCCORMICK, YUKA KATAGIRI
HARMONY KORINE - The collected fanzines, including collaborations with MARK GONZALES. In paperback and limited box-set with all zines separate and in original format.
THE CLEAN LP - Not quite forgotten late 80s jangly pop from New Zealand, reissued by Mississippi Recs
Signed copies of ED TEMPLETON'S 'Deformer'
N+1 - Finally a new issue of the lit periodical. Edited by BENJAMIN KUNKEL
Dot Dot Dot # 16 - Includes STANISLAW LEM's story 'The Seventh Voyage' as recalled while flying over the Atlantic from Moscow to Newark
THE RATS LP - Vinyl-only reissue of the band that became DEAD MOON from Mississippi Recs
RICKY SWALLOW - Younger than Yesterday mini book
Mcsweeneys # 28 - With new stories by JOYCE CAROL OATES, RODDY DOYLE, YANNICK MURPHY
DOUG PAISLEY LP - Perfect country tunes with cover artwork by SHARY BOYLE
Dawn by PHIL ELVERUM - Small, hardcover book of journal writing, jokes, photographs, and a cd of unreleased music. All composed while living alone in a cabin in arctic Norway
THE CHANGES - The Times They are the Changes. Cloth-bound book of new psychedelic work by the likes of MISHA HOLLENBACH, SHAUNA T, FERGUS PURCELL, SK8 THING
'Ringolevio' - A Life Played for Keeps by EMMETT GROGAN. This lost 60s classic autobiographical novel tells of the mean streets of old NYC, 60s hippy anarchists The Diggers, false prophets, etc. Bob Dylan dedicated Street Legal to this dude.
BEN JONES - From the PAPER RAD visionary. Using 8 different spot colors, Jones has replicated the process of looking at his day-glo paintings
WOLFGANG TILLMANS - Kunsthalle Zurich includes new black and white photos and assorted debris
Powr Mastrs #2 - From CF comes his much anticipated follow up. This time includes full color spreads
HIPGNOSIS Book - Collects the artwork of this iconic design firm who created album art for Black Sabbath, 10CC, Zep, Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett etc
TRINIE DALTON'S themed zines collected in a beautiful clothbound hardcover titled Mythtym. Includes work from an eclectic all-star line up including: AUREL SCHMIDT, AMY GERSTLER, BJORN COPELAND, DENNIS COOPER, EDDIE RUSHA, FRANCINE SPIEGEL, JIM DRAIN, LEIF GOLDBERG, TAKESHI MURATA, SOUTHER SALAZAR, MATT GREENE, SAMMY HARKHAM
New ANDREW JEFFREY WRIGHT zine - The Manipulators. AJW messes with fashion photos to hilarious results. Perfect for those longing for a donging
KRAMER'S ERGOT #7. We are now well stocked with this behemoth-sized milestone. Includes new strips by WILL SWEENEY, MATT BRINKMAN, CF, DAN CLOWES, GEOFF MCFETRIDGE, LEIF GOLDBERG, MATT GROENING, CHRIS WARE, SHOBOSHOBO, RON REGE JR, and many many more
More Humans scarves and prints by MIKE MILLS
50/50, a new handsome hardcover book of cosmic black and white patterns by TAUBA AUERBACH
Thick retrospective monograph by MATT LEINES - You Are Forgiven
2009 calender by LEIF GOLDBERG
A disgusting book of disgusting collages by MARK MCCOY - 'Wound'
'California' - by Amra Brooks. The first book of short stories published by TEENAGE TEARDROPS
Curious Men by FRANK BUCKLAND. Rescued novel after a century of obscurity, and culled from thousands of pages of Buckland’s eyewitness accounts, Curious Men brings back to life eighteen tales from one of the most curious men of all
New monokultur zine on the architectural firm MVRDV
Acme Novelty Library no# 19. CHRIS WARE has outdone himself with this meta sci-fi tale of women's sexual exploitation of defenseless, sensitive men
posted by kramer at 5:21 PM
If anybody wants to order anything email - familylosangeles@hotmail.com
Happy Holidays!
Paperback Magazine Issue # 2 - All the craze in London, includes cover artwork by YUICHI YOKOYAMA, plus LUCKY DRAGONS, SUSAN CIANCIOLO, DAN NADEL, CARLO MCCORMICK, YUKA KATAGIRI
HARMONY KORINE - The collected fanzines, including collaborations with MARK GONZALES. In paperback and limited box-set with all zines separate and in original format.
THE CLEAN LP - Not quite forgotten late 80s jangly pop from New Zealand, reissued by Mississippi Recs
Signed copies of ED TEMPLETON'S 'Deformer'
N+1 - Finally a new issue of the lit periodical. Edited by BENJAMIN KUNKEL
Dot Dot Dot # 16 - Includes STANISLAW LEM's story 'The Seventh Voyage' as recalled while flying over the Atlantic from Moscow to Newark
THE RATS LP - Vinyl-only reissue of the band that became DEAD MOON from Mississippi Recs
RICKY SWALLOW - Younger than Yesterday mini book
Mcsweeneys # 28 - With new stories by JOYCE CAROL OATES, RODDY DOYLE, YANNICK MURPHY
DOUG PAISLEY LP - Perfect country tunes with cover artwork by SHARY BOYLE
Dawn by PHIL ELVERUM - Small, hardcover book of journal writing, jokes, photographs, and a cd of unreleased music. All composed while living alone in a cabin in arctic Norway
THE CHANGES - The Times They are the Changes. Cloth-bound book of new psychedelic work by the likes of MISHA HOLLENBACH, SHAUNA T, FERGUS PURCELL, SK8 THING
'Ringolevio' - A Life Played for Keeps by EMMETT GROGAN. This lost 60s classic autobiographical novel tells of the mean streets of old NYC, 60s hippy anarchists The Diggers, false prophets, etc. Bob Dylan dedicated Street Legal to this dude.
BEN JONES - From the PAPER RAD visionary. Using 8 different spot colors, Jones has replicated the process of looking at his day-glo paintings
WOLFGANG TILLMANS - Kunsthalle Zurich includes new black and white photos and assorted debris
Powr Mastrs #2 - From CF comes his much anticipated follow up. This time includes full color spreads
HIPGNOSIS Book - Collects the artwork of this iconic design firm who created album art for Black Sabbath, 10CC, Zep, Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett etc
TRINIE DALTON'S themed zines collected in a beautiful clothbound hardcover titled Mythtym. Includes work from an eclectic all-star line up including: AUREL SCHMIDT, AMY GERSTLER, BJORN COPELAND, DENNIS COOPER, EDDIE RUSHA, FRANCINE SPIEGEL, JIM DRAIN, LEIF GOLDBERG, TAKESHI MURATA, SOUTHER SALAZAR, MATT GREENE, SAMMY HARKHAM
New ANDREW JEFFREY WRIGHT zine - The Manipulators. AJW messes with fashion photos to hilarious results. Perfect for those longing for a donging
KRAMER'S ERGOT #7. We are now well stocked with this behemoth-sized milestone. Includes new strips by WILL SWEENEY, MATT BRINKMAN, CF, DAN CLOWES, GEOFF MCFETRIDGE, LEIF GOLDBERG, MATT GROENING, CHRIS WARE, SHOBOSHOBO, RON REGE JR, and many many more
More Humans scarves and prints by MIKE MILLS
50/50, a new handsome hardcover book of cosmic black and white patterns by TAUBA AUERBACH
Thick retrospective monograph by MATT LEINES - You Are Forgiven
2009 calender by LEIF GOLDBERG
A disgusting book of disgusting collages by MARK MCCOY - 'Wound'
'California' - by Amra Brooks. The first book of short stories published by TEENAGE TEARDROPS
Curious Men by FRANK BUCKLAND. Rescued novel after a century of obscurity, and culled from thousands of pages of Buckland’s eyewitness accounts, Curious Men brings back to life eighteen tales from one of the most curious men of all
New monokultur zine on the architectural firm MVRDV
Acme Novelty Library no# 19. CHRIS WARE has outdone himself with this meta sci-fi tale of women's sexual exploitation of defenseless, sensitive men
posted by kramer at 5:21 PM
The Next Episode
Cali has nipped his Teenage Teardrops blog in the bud, at its 1000th post, and begun a new blog right here.

Here is a great conversation between Cali and Aaron Rose about his blog's rich legacy:
Aaron - Why did you first decide to start a Teenage Teardrops blog?
Cali - I can’t clearly recall any one reason. I had been toying with some blog type things and it seemed somehow to be a good idea. At the time I was going through a lot of inner turmoil. I started the blog and therapy at the same time, and have been doing both ever since. It felt like a good way to sort of consolidate my thoughts and my days, and to make sense out of them.
Aaron - In the beginning, did you originally have a concept for what it would be or have you just figured it out as you went along?
Cali - Definitely just figured it out as I went along. Still figuring it out as I go along.
Aaron - Why does it say "I Wish God Were Alive To See This" on the top?
Cali - I thought it was a fitting title. Like, I never thought I would want to do something that is at times so candid and have it available for public consumption. Also, it should be noted that that is a quote from Homer Simpson. Not joking.
Aaron - Every time I travel, especially in Europe, people not only know about
your blog, but almost religiously read your posts. It has become like a
window onto the Los Angeles scene for them. Was this part of you original
Cali - No way! When I hear that I tend to not really believe it. It is very flattering to me that anyone reads it at all, let alone folks from far away lands. I originally thought that maybe my close friends would read it.
Aaron - Every post has an obscure literary title. Where do you get them from? Do you ever write them yourself?
Cali - All most all of the titles are stolen from songs I am listening to or books I am reading. Occaisionaly I will have one that I came up with on my own. It’s funny with the song ones because I read it as it’s sung, but at some point I realized people would be just reading them as words. When I try that they don’t always sound as good.
Aaron - Do you think you've become a better photographer since you started? If yes, can you give an example?
Cali - I don’t know about giving you an example, but just by practicing I think I’ve gotten better. Take pictures every day for three years, get better. Makes sense, right? Also I think I’ve become less self conscious about taking pictures, and probably a little bit braver. Bravery in photography is where it’s at and that’s my goal. There was a woman in a hamburger stand on Halloween applying corpse paint to her 12 year old son and I felt too nervous to ask to take the pic, or to just take it, and I have been kicking myself ever since.
Aaron - How have you seen the Los Angeles that you document change since you first started making posts?
Cali - Well, sure. Everything in my life has changed certainly. It always does. One thing I’m sure of is it’s been changing for the better, personally. It HAS been a thrilling few years in LA also, heavy activity and tons of output on the part of nearly everyone I know. A very inspired time. There has been a lot of hype about LA in certain circles as well, but that is starting to die down I think. That’s the ebb and flow nature of things though, and I for one am excited for the inevitable LA backlash. That’s going to be fun! And really, it will be the same city, with the same people, doing the same wonderful things. Life and the creative flow will go on here whether it’s lauded or not. I have been and continue to be in love with Los Angeles.
Aaron - Do you have any favorite posts?
Cali - My favorite posts are always the most recent ones. I don’t really like looking back. I’m looking at tomorrow and what is possible in the future given what the present looks like.
Aaron - Why do you post so many photos of your girlfriend?
Cali - Well, the simple answer is because I am in love with her. I find that feeling to be very inspiring. I feel like I could just take pictures of her all day and make the whole blog a Jenna tribute, but she would probably kill me for that. But I am proud of her and her life and the life that we have made and are making, so I can’t see not taking pictures of it. Haha anyway it’s my blog and I will do what I want with it.
Aaron - Why are you moving? What does the future hold?
Cali - I decided to move, and to start over, about seven months ago. My life looks so different today than it did at the blogs inception, and I have had a new start in so many ways. It just seems logical to stop this blog here, at the thousandth post, and start a new one. As the time grew closer I found myself getting nervous about it, but that’s kind of the point. I am comfortable with this one and I want to feel challenged a little bit by starting fresh. I am someone who up until this point didn’t really do the same thing for very long, so I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for such a long time, and actually enjoying it all along. It has been an incredible way for me to learn. And I can’t really tell you what the future holds. I will continue to try and tell a story. That’s it. Storytelling..
posted by kramer at 5:43 PM
Cali has nipped his Teenage Teardrops blog in the bud, at its 1000th post, and begun a new blog right here.

Here is a great conversation between Cali and Aaron Rose about his blog's rich legacy:
Aaron - Why did you first decide to start a Teenage Teardrops blog?
Cali - I can’t clearly recall any one reason. I had been toying with some blog type things and it seemed somehow to be a good idea. At the time I was going through a lot of inner turmoil. I started the blog and therapy at the same time, and have been doing both ever since. It felt like a good way to sort of consolidate my thoughts and my days, and to make sense out of them.
Aaron - In the beginning, did you originally have a concept for what it would be or have you just figured it out as you went along?
Cali - Definitely just figured it out as I went along. Still figuring it out as I go along.
Aaron - Why does it say "I Wish God Were Alive To See This" on the top?
Cali - I thought it was a fitting title. Like, I never thought I would want to do something that is at times so candid and have it available for public consumption. Also, it should be noted that that is a quote from Homer Simpson. Not joking.
Aaron - Every time I travel, especially in Europe, people not only know about
your blog, but almost religiously read your posts. It has become like a
window onto the Los Angeles scene for them. Was this part of you original
Cali - No way! When I hear that I tend to not really believe it. It is very flattering to me that anyone reads it at all, let alone folks from far away lands. I originally thought that maybe my close friends would read it.
Aaron - Every post has an obscure literary title. Where do you get them from? Do you ever write them yourself?
Cali - All most all of the titles are stolen from songs I am listening to or books I am reading. Occaisionaly I will have one that I came up with on my own. It’s funny with the song ones because I read it as it’s sung, but at some point I realized people would be just reading them as words. When I try that they don’t always sound as good.
Aaron - Do you think you've become a better photographer since you started? If yes, can you give an example?
Cali - I don’t know about giving you an example, but just by practicing I think I’ve gotten better. Take pictures every day for three years, get better. Makes sense, right? Also I think I’ve become less self conscious about taking pictures, and probably a little bit braver. Bravery in photography is where it’s at and that’s my goal. There was a woman in a hamburger stand on Halloween applying corpse paint to her 12 year old son and I felt too nervous to ask to take the pic, or to just take it, and I have been kicking myself ever since.
Aaron - How have you seen the Los Angeles that you document change since you first started making posts?
Cali - Well, sure. Everything in my life has changed certainly. It always does. One thing I’m sure of is it’s been changing for the better, personally. It HAS been a thrilling few years in LA also, heavy activity and tons of output on the part of nearly everyone I know. A very inspired time. There has been a lot of hype about LA in certain circles as well, but that is starting to die down I think. That’s the ebb and flow nature of things though, and I for one am excited for the inevitable LA backlash. That’s going to be fun! And really, it will be the same city, with the same people, doing the same wonderful things. Life and the creative flow will go on here whether it’s lauded or not. I have been and continue to be in love with Los Angeles.
Aaron - Do you have any favorite posts?
Cali - My favorite posts are always the most recent ones. I don’t really like looking back. I’m looking at tomorrow and what is possible in the future given what the present looks like.
Aaron - Why do you post so many photos of your girlfriend?
Cali - Well, the simple answer is because I am in love with her. I find that feeling to be very inspiring. I feel like I could just take pictures of her all day and make the whole blog a Jenna tribute, but she would probably kill me for that. But I am proud of her and her life and the life that we have made and are making, so I can’t see not taking pictures of it. Haha anyway it’s my blog and I will do what I want with it.
Aaron - Why are you moving? What does the future hold?
Cali - I decided to move, and to start over, about seven months ago. My life looks so different today than it did at the blogs inception, and I have had a new start in so many ways. It just seems logical to stop this blog here, at the thousandth post, and start a new one. As the time grew closer I found myself getting nervous about it, but that’s kind of the point. I am comfortable with this one and I want to feel challenged a little bit by starting fresh. I am someone who up until this point didn’t really do the same thing for very long, so I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for such a long time, and actually enjoying it all along. It has been an incredible way for me to learn. And I can’t really tell you what the future holds. I will continue to try and tell a story. That’s it. Storytelling..
posted by kramer at 5:43 PM
Get Ready to Have Your Head Explode.
This is by the muralist/animator/graffiti artist Blu.
Thanks to Eddie and Souther for the heads up.
posted by sammy at 5:40 PM
This is by the muralist/animator/graffiti artist Blu.
Thanks to Eddie and Souther for the heads up.
posted by sammy at 5:40 PM
Kevin Christy at Hope Photos
Everybody who missed the opening come check it out during the month. Hope is open Wed - Sun, 12 - 5. Hope site here.
For more shots go to:
Cali's blog
Ed Templeton's blog
Thanks to Laura for these:

posted by kramer at 4:46 PM
Everybody who missed the opening come check it out during the month. Hope is open Wed - Sun, 12 - 5. Hope site here.
For more shots go to:
Cali's blog
Ed Templeton's blog
Thanks to Laura for these:

posted by kramer at 4:46 PM
"One of the grandest English-language comics artifacts ever produced"
Check out this!
posted by TAHLI at 1:05 PM
Check out this!
posted by TAHLI at 1:05 PM
Ed Templeton Book Launch! Dec 14!
Sunday, December 14th, 7:30pm
To celebrate the release of his new book 'Deformer', Ed Templeton will be giving his first ever slide show presentation! Ed will be discussing images from the book and taking questions from the audience. Right here at Family!
Eleven years in the making and compiling more than 30 years of material, Deformer's photographs give a sun-drenched glimpse of what it's like to be young and alive in the "suburban domestic incubator" of Orange County. From the Alleged Press series curated by Aaron Rose, Deformer interweaves disciplinary letters from Templeton's grandfather and religious notes from his mother with sketches, snapshots, telling images and the occasional brutal tale, laying out an unresolved narrative that plunges readers headlong into Templeton's chaotic youth and his reliance on art and skateboarding to accommodate its stresses and joys. "Skateboarding allowed me to travel the world, and that showed me that where I live is totally messed up," he observes. "That perspective has fueled me and been a source for my art." Through photographs, stories and ephemera of all sorts from his youth and teenage years, Templeton offers readers an intensely close and personal look at an artist's coming of age.
Ed Templeton is a professional skateboarder, co-editor of the arts magazine ANP Quarterly, photographer and artist.

posted by kramer at 8:59 PM
Sunday, December 14th, 7:30pm
To celebrate the release of his new book 'Deformer', Ed Templeton will be giving his first ever slide show presentation! Ed will be discussing images from the book and taking questions from the audience. Right here at Family!
Eleven years in the making and compiling more than 30 years of material, Deformer's photographs give a sun-drenched glimpse of what it's like to be young and alive in the "suburban domestic incubator" of Orange County. From the Alleged Press series curated by Aaron Rose, Deformer interweaves disciplinary letters from Templeton's grandfather and religious notes from his mother with sketches, snapshots, telling images and the occasional brutal tale, laying out an unresolved narrative that plunges readers headlong into Templeton's chaotic youth and his reliance on art and skateboarding to accommodate its stresses and joys. "Skateboarding allowed me to travel the world, and that showed me that where I live is totally messed up," he observes. "That perspective has fueled me and been a source for my art." Through photographs, stories and ephemera of all sorts from his youth and teenage years, Templeton offers readers an intensely close and personal look at an artist's coming of age.
Ed Templeton is a professional skateboarder, co-editor of the arts magazine ANP Quarterly, photographer and artist.

posted by kramer at 8:59 PM

Brian Roettinger has been nominated for a Grammy for his work on the No Age 'Nouns' CD and LP, as Best Recording Package. Metallica's new album is a disappointment too because of the flashes of throw-back brilliance mixed in with these cringy 'heavy groove' riffs.
Here's the Grammy Site
>> Category 88
>> Best Recording Package
>> * Death Magnetic
>> Bruce Duckworth, Sarah Moffatt & David Turner, art directors (Metallica)
>> [Warner Bros.]
>> * Hawk Nelson...Is My Friend!
>> Don Clark, art director (Hawk Nelson)
>> [BEC Recordings]
>> * Nouns
>> No Age & Brian Roettinger, art directors (No Age)
>> [Sub Pop]
>> * Radio Retaliation
>> Neal Ashby, Matthew Curry & Patrick Donohue, art directors (Thievery Corporation)
>> [ESL Music]
>> * Summer Rains
>> Amanda Barrett, Abby DeWald, Renee Jablow & Rick Whitmore, art directors (The Ditty Bops)
>> [The Green Witch Society]
ANd check out Brian's site - Hand Held Heart
posted by kramer at 6:07 PM
New Kris Moyes Video
Kris Moyes just finished this Beck video featuring many puppets, gloved hand claps, finger snaps. You might remember our old window installation filled with arrows and wooden animals and other props recycled from one of Kris' Sia videos. Btw, new window display happening mid-December. Won't give it away but it'll involve many feathers.
See it in better def on the Directors Bureau site.
posted by kramer at 1:02 PM
Kris Moyes just finished this Beck video featuring many puppets, gloved hand claps, finger snaps. You might remember our old window installation filled with arrows and wooden animals and other props recycled from one of Kris' Sia videos. Btw, new window display happening mid-December. Won't give it away but it'll involve many feathers.
See it in better def on the Directors Bureau site.
posted by kramer at 1:02 PM
Comic Book Tour
Starting tonight at Baltimore's Atomic Books, I will be going around to different stores around the country to help promote the new issue of Kramers Ergot:
12/4 -Pittsburgh-Brillo Bar
12/6-Brooklyn-Desert Island
12/7-Providence-Ada Books
12/9-Montreal-Librairie Drawn &Quarterly
12/11-Toronto-The Beguiling
12/13-Chicago-Chicago Comics
But it's not all about me.
The traveling core is made up of 4 us right now-Ron Rege jr, Kevin Huizenga, John Pham, and myself (Souther Salazar is meeting us in Providence after the art fair in miami and doing the rest, so that'll be a core of five. Five!), but in each city other cartoonists who are in the book will be popping up, and almost all them have new stuff out:
Kevin Huizenga has Or Else #5
Ron Rege jr has his amazing collection stories Against Pain
John Pham has Sublife #1
Matthew Thurber has the Soiled Mattress and The Springs albim, Honk Honk Bonk, which comes with a full length comic too for all
you purists.
Ben Jones has The Ganzfeld #7, which he co-edited and made a full length cartoon for, and probably my favorite books of the year: New Painting and Drawing (Providence).
C.F. has Powr Mastrs vol. 2 (Providence, Montreal and Toronto).
Shary Boyle has Otherworld Uprising (toronto)
Kim Deitch, besides being maybe the best cartoonist who has ever lived, and I am not kidding with that, has a new book he did with his brothers called Deitch's Pictorama (Brooklyn).
Davd Heatley has My Brain is Hanging Upside Down (Brooklyn).
Chris Ware has Acme #19(Chicago).
Anders Nilsen has Big Questions #11 (Chicago).
Ivan Brunetti has An Anthology of Graphic Fiction vol.2 (Chicago)
And besides these guys, who I am singling out because they have recent stuff out, there are many more amazing people who will be at these events along the way, with recent new work too: Adrian Tomine, Leif Goldberg, Pshaw, Vanessa Davis, jerry moriarty, Rick altergott, Seth, Gabrielle Bell, Ted May, Dan Zettwoch, James McShane, and more and more and More. info here.
posted by sammy at 7:36 AM
Starting tonight at Baltimore's Atomic Books, I will be going around to different stores around the country to help promote the new issue of Kramers Ergot:
12/4 -Pittsburgh-Brillo Bar
12/6-Brooklyn-Desert Island
12/7-Providence-Ada Books
12/9-Montreal-Librairie Drawn &Quarterly
12/11-Toronto-The Beguiling
12/13-Chicago-Chicago Comics
But it's not all about me.
The traveling core is made up of 4 us right now-Ron Rege jr, Kevin Huizenga, John Pham, and myself (Souther Salazar is meeting us in Providence after the art fair in miami and doing the rest, so that'll be a core of five. Five!), but in each city other cartoonists who are in the book will be popping up, and almost all them have new stuff out:

you purists.

And besides these guys, who I am singling out because they have recent stuff out, there are many more amazing people who will be at these events along the way, with recent new work too: Adrian Tomine, Leif Goldberg, Pshaw, Vanessa Davis, jerry moriarty, Rick altergott, Seth, Gabrielle Bell, Ted May, Dan Zettwoch, James McShane, and more and more and More. info here.
posted by sammy at 7:36 AM
Kevin Christy's Portraits
There will a whole bunch of Kevin's portraits in this upcoming Hope show as well. You may have seen them accompanying articles in Stop Smiling Mag over the years. So good.

posted by kramer at 6:34 PM
There will a whole bunch of Kevin's portraits in this upcoming Hope show as well. You may have seen them accompanying articles in Stop Smiling Mag over the years. So good.

posted by kramer at 6:34 PM
Hope at 1520
The Hope show at Space 1520 is only up for another week so get on your horse. Here's some opening night photos from Cali's blog.

posted by kramer at 1:26 PM
The Hope show at Space 1520 is only up for another week so get on your horse. Here's some opening night photos from Cali's blog.

posted by kramer at 1:26 PM