Massive collection of Blutch's best comics, published by Cornelius. In french, but mostly wordless.
Incredible vinyl reissue from the always great Trunk label out of London. This one's crazy and sad sounding. Hear samples here
Awesome fat collection of this great magazine, from Drag City. Look at that contributor list. Patrick DeWitt, motherhumpers!
We got this old one in for all the perverts. You're welcome.
The only book you need on gore movies circa 75-84. Reference quality.out of print, but we love you, so get them while they last.
Believe it. The book you didn't know you wanted has arrived.
Yes, we can all die now.
Amazing photozine of SoCal latinos in the early eighties. Incredible.

posted by sammy at 2:00 PM

The Thing by Mike Mills

posted by kramer at 9:38 PM

Excerpts from Cheryl Dunn's new documentary Everybody Street. Don't forget book launch on Wednesday

"Since the invention of photography, there have been these obsessive characters that have spent their lives recording and documenting. Why did Bruce Davidson ride the subways all night long shooting pictures during NY's most crime ridden years? Why did Martha Cooper continually wake up at dawn to shoot the passing subway cars from empty lots in the South Bronx, capturing graffiti history in the making? Why did Jill Freedman spend 2 years riding in squad cars on the midnight shift to document the life and times of NYC street cops and the dangerous neighborhoods they patrolled?

 These pictures present a truth, a moment in time, the frantic hustle, the violence, the humanity and hope of NYC and its inhabitants. As the title signifies, NYC streets belong to everybody. We all walk on them, we all take our messages there, sell things, fight, laugh, protest, collide, or ignore each other. This street theater and how it plays out is what compels street photographers to devote their lives to stopping a second in time."

posted by kramer at 11:49 PM

posted by kramer at 6:50 AM

Will Sweeney has a show coming at Sync Space October 13. Also check out samples from upcoming Nieves zine Captain Mindseye.

posted by kramer at 12:53 AM

posted by kramer at 8:18 AM