More comps arrive.

Penguin sent one single copy (cheap fuckers) of the new edition of Kafka's Metamorphosis I did covers for, part of their Classics Deluxe series. I think other new ones are Julie Doucet doing Little Women and....I'm forgetting.
The Kafka book comes out at the end of February.
posted by sammy at 5:53 PM

Penguin sent one single copy (cheap fuckers) of the new edition of Kafka's Metamorphosis I did covers for, part of their Classics Deluxe series. I think other new ones are Julie Doucet doing Little Women and....I'm forgetting.
The Kafka book comes out at the end of February.
posted by sammy at 5:53 PM
First satisfied customer.

My comp copies of Crickets 2 arrived the other day (finally!), and D&Q should have it available soon, I guess.
posted by sammy at 5:27 PM

My comp copies of Crickets 2 arrived the other day (finally!), and D&Q should have it available soon, I guess.
posted by sammy at 5:27 PM
Bored in NY?

If so, go to Cinders Gallery next Friday night for BREVITY'S RAINBOW, a show of tiny art. Andrew Jeffrey Wright, David Shrigley, Kim buzzelli, Royal Art Lodge, PFFR (Wonder Showzen), and Rich Jacobs are some of the people involved. I am in it as well:

"Girl Dreams Werewolf". it's about 4 inches.
posted by sammy at 5:09 PM

If so, go to Cinders Gallery next Friday night for BREVITY'S RAINBOW, a show of tiny art. Andrew Jeffrey Wright, David Shrigley, Kim buzzelli, Royal Art Lodge, PFFR (Wonder Showzen), and Rich Jacobs are some of the people involved. I am in it as well:

"Girl Dreams Werewolf". it's about 4 inches.
posted by sammy at 5:09 PM

You can see Moonrats play tomorrow night. At the Knitting Factory. Yes, the knitting Factory sucks. But Moonrats' new album is incredibly catchy.
posted by kramer at 7:17 PM

You can see Moonrats play tomorrow night. At the Knitting Factory. Yes, the knitting Factory sucks. But Moonrats' new album is incredibly catchy.
posted by kramer at 7:17 PM
Raphael Lyon's week long residency begins.
So for the past couple days you might have noticed a dude working hard inside the display window both during trading hours and in the middle of the night and early dawn.
Providence based artist and musician Raphael Lyon has moved in above the store and has committed himself doggedly to his incredibly layered and complex art piece "All Bones Build" V1.
"All Bones Build" is a large scale, touch sensitive- dark activated, 3
dimensional 6 oscillator spellcasting diorama and crystal cave. This
installation is a meditation on the potential of fractal topography, fungal
biota, and the productive necessity of decay.
The residency will be going all week, culminating on Sunday Feb 3rd, when it will be unveiled in all its glory. Mudboy(Providence) and Megafuckers(LA) will be performing, and Lyon will also be signing copies of the "All Bones Build Fantasy Play Set and Poster Kit" at the opening. The limited edition Fantasy Play Set contains an 11x17 fold out silkscreen poster, accompanying sound track by mudboy, and all you need to make at least one 3d fractal cardboard crystal.
Tahli and I's window installation on it's last night....

Totally cleaned out, scrumbbed clean, with a cameo from our first installation by Saelee Oh

Home made circuitry boards!
Raphael's LA home.
And the view from raphael's house.
Laying down the reflective tint.
Once the huge drawing scroll is taped to the front of the glass, Raphael starts cutting the tint.
And cutting....
and cutting.....
the first part is done!
Josh helps lay down the scroll for the main window.

and none of this even hints to what's going INSIDE the window.....
posted by sammy at 7:53 PM
So for the past couple days you might have noticed a dude working hard inside the display window both during trading hours and in the middle of the night and early dawn.
Providence based artist and musician Raphael Lyon has moved in above the store and has committed himself doggedly to his incredibly layered and complex art piece "All Bones Build" V1.
"All Bones Build" is a large scale, touch sensitive- dark activated, 3
dimensional 6 oscillator spellcasting diorama and crystal cave. This
installation is a meditation on the potential of fractal topography, fungal
biota, and the productive necessity of decay.
The residency will be going all week, culminating on Sunday Feb 3rd, when it will be unveiled in all its glory. Mudboy(Providence) and Megafuckers(LA) will be performing, and Lyon will also be signing copies of the "All Bones Build Fantasy Play Set and Poster Kit" at the opening. The limited edition Fantasy Play Set contains an 11x17 fold out silkscreen poster, accompanying sound track by mudboy, and all you need to make at least one 3d fractal cardboard crystal.
Tahli and I's window installation on it's last night....

Totally cleaned out, scrumbbed clean, with a cameo from our first installation by Saelee Oh

and none of this even hints to what's going INSIDE the window.....
posted by sammy at 7:53 PM
Last fall this dude Renko from Berlin came in to the shop and dropped off some copies of a zine he does with some friends called Mono Kultur and everyone who saw them here was pretty blown away. The concept is that each issue is one long interview with one (or sometimes a crew) person of importance like GZA, David Shrigley, or Wolfgang Voigt (pictured above) augmented by really nice photos and smart questions. So we had Renko mail us a bunch and they all look really nice, as expected and are sitting in the shop (but have been selling pretty quick...). I wish everyone took as much time to make things look this nice, check their site for more info:
posted by NATE at 7:50 PM

posted by NATE at 7:50 PM
Tahli's Best of 2007

Jordan Crane's postcard set. Beautifully drawn, coloured and printed.

Sarah, from Lucky Dragons hand draws these bird pins. Each one is slightly different.

Bob Richardson
Terry Richardson put this book together about his dad, Bob. High Fashion photos from the 60's and more!

The Source: The Untold Story of Father Yod, Ya Ho Wa 13, and The Source Family.
Probably my favourite book of 2007.

Anders Nielsen's skateboard deck.

Will Sweeny's t-shirts.

A taste of Honey by Shelagh Delaney
Not really 2007, but who cares? Apperntly Morrissey's Favourite author.

Lori d's art.
posted by TAHLI at 12:19 PM

Jordan Crane's postcard set. Beautifully drawn, coloured and printed.

Sarah, from Lucky Dragons hand draws these bird pins. Each one is slightly different.

Bob Richardson
Terry Richardson put this book together about his dad, Bob. High Fashion photos from the 60's and more!

The Source: The Untold Story of Father Yod, Ya Ho Wa 13, and The Source Family.
Probably my favourite book of 2007.

Anders Nielsen's skateboard deck.

Will Sweeny's t-shirts.

A taste of Honey by Shelagh Delaney
Not really 2007, but who cares? Apperntly Morrissey's Favourite author.

Lori d's art.
posted by TAHLI at 12:19 PM
Maybe one day we will be as rad as Schneider.

Charles Schneider is one of the those rad guys who will continually surprise us-When you ask him what he's doing it's always the exact opposite of what you expect. Up until recently, I knew him as the author of a great book of cartoons and the dude who played the bad comedian in Ghost World. A couple months back he happened by the store with copies of a couple Bob Moss albums he produced (which are totally amazing folk records you should buy from the store) and mentioned he was writing Tom and Jerry cartoons(!). He is also a documentary filmmaker, a character actor who has appeared in Zodiac, and Tombstone amongst others(Bride of Re-Animator!), did the rad serial killer paintings in Art School Confidential, published author, gallery artist, and bearer of one of the best speaking voices ever. I saw him last week at the theatre, and when I told him he should come to the February 2nd screening of Timothy Carey's incredible movie, World's Greatest Sinner, he off handedly mentioned that he already saw it-at Carey's house back in the early eighties! Tomorrow he'll come in and tell me is working for NASA training mice how to yodel. With Schneider you never know....
Here is a work-in-progress documentary about folk musicians in utah that he posted on youtube: parts 1, 2, and 3.
If ever there was a ANP cover feature ready to go, here he is.
posted by sammy at 12:03 PM

Charles Schneider is one of the those rad guys who will continually surprise us-When you ask him what he's doing it's always the exact opposite of what you expect. Up until recently, I knew him as the author of a great book of cartoons and the dude who played the bad comedian in Ghost World. A couple months back he happened by the store with copies of a couple Bob Moss albums he produced (which are totally amazing folk records you should buy from the store) and mentioned he was writing Tom and Jerry cartoons(!). He is also a documentary filmmaker, a character actor who has appeared in Zodiac, and Tombstone amongst others(Bride of Re-Animator!), did the rad serial killer paintings in Art School Confidential, published author, gallery artist, and bearer of one of the best speaking voices ever. I saw him last week at the theatre, and when I told him he should come to the February 2nd screening of Timothy Carey's incredible movie, World's Greatest Sinner, he off handedly mentioned that he already saw it-at Carey's house back in the early eighties! Tomorrow he'll come in and tell me is working for NASA training mice how to yodel. With Schneider you never know....
Here is a work-in-progress documentary about folk musicians in utah that he posted on youtube: parts 1, 2, and 3.
If ever there was a ANP cover feature ready to go, here he is.
posted by sammy at 12:03 PM
Army Seeks "Professional Celebrity Rock Music Band"
I just saw this:.
A summary of what the Army is seeking:
"Professional Celebrity Rock Music Band, group not to exceed seven people for tour of FOB's [forward operating bases] in Kuwait and Afghanistan for February 4-13 2008. The band should be an active rock band, with a music genre consisting of Southern Rock, Pop Rock, Post-Grunge and Hard Rock. At least one member of the band should be recognizable as a professional celebrity. Protective military equipment, such as kevlar, body armour, eye and ear protection will be provided when the group is travelling on military rotary or fixed wing aircraft."

It gets better than this. Go to the Wired blog.
posted by kramer at 1:08 PM
I just saw this:.
A summary of what the Army is seeking:
"Professional Celebrity Rock Music Band, group not to exceed seven people for tour of FOB's [forward operating bases] in Kuwait and Afghanistan for February 4-13 2008. The band should be an active rock band, with a music genre consisting of Southern Rock, Pop Rock, Post-Grunge and Hard Rock. At least one member of the band should be recognizable as a professional celebrity. Protective military equipment, such as kevlar, body armour, eye and ear protection will be provided when the group is travelling on military rotary or fixed wing aircraft."

It gets better than this. Go to the Wired blog.
posted by kramer at 1:08 PM

A few weeks ago Chris Tipton aka the dude who does Upset the Rhythm aka maybe the nicest guy I've never met sent us several packages from across the pond containing cds and records that he put out recently for the shop and I keep meaning to talk about them, because really they all look and sound great. He put out one of the five No Age EPs, the last/first/only full length from Oakland's KIT & Brendan AKA BARR's last record which if you didn't get it is pretty special and more recently UTR dropped the new John Maus album (which is kind of my favorite thing to listen to right now, I listened to it 3 times on a plane from NY to LA last week, not to mention the cover art!) and a cd of the new Soiled Mattress & the Springs EP (12" version to follow on Teardrops) with the first 12" that Teardrops put out last year as bonus tracks. I normally probably wouldn't try explaining/demystifying why all these records are great and instead would just tell you to go hit up for MP3s of songs from all the above mentioned jams but I really think Chris is doing something to push things forward and that is the most important thing, so, uh, props.
ALSO on the related tip, the new Soiled Mattress & the Springs video that Peter from the band made is seriously a mindblower, serious next level, so here it is if you missed:
posted by NATE at 1:31 PM

A few weeks ago Chris Tipton aka the dude who does Upset the Rhythm aka maybe the nicest guy I've never met sent us several packages from across the pond containing cds and records that he put out recently for the shop and I keep meaning to talk about them, because really they all look and sound great. He put out one of the five No Age EPs, the last/first/only full length from Oakland's KIT & Brendan AKA BARR's last record which if you didn't get it is pretty special and more recently UTR dropped the new John Maus album (which is kind of my favorite thing to listen to right now, I listened to it 3 times on a plane from NY to LA last week, not to mention the cover art!) and a cd of the new Soiled Mattress & the Springs EP (12" version to follow on Teardrops) with the first 12" that Teardrops put out last year as bonus tracks. I normally probably wouldn't try explaining/demystifying why all these records are great and instead would just tell you to go hit up for MP3s of songs from all the above mentioned jams but I really think Chris is doing something to push things forward and that is the most important thing, so, uh, props.
ALSO on the related tip, the new Soiled Mattress & the Springs video that Peter from the band made is seriously a mindblower, serious next level, so here it is if you missed:
posted by NATE at 1:31 PM